Sunday, February 21, 2016

More like Individual Oral Crap

Audio recording software >>

Knowledge and Understanding: 5
Adequate, I hope. I supported comments with references for the text. I mean, mostly I made references to the text and then tried to make comments, but anyhow. I also didn't really connect the

Understanding the use and effects of literary features: 4
I didn't really name specific literary features, except for the structure from quotes to internal thoughts. The rest was words.

Organization: 2
There were long pauses, breaking of commentary for internal reflection (which I wouldn't do for the actual IOC) and I kind of just cut one train of thought off, but, I mean, it has some organization, right?

Language: 2
I mean, I spoke english. It was generally coherent. Not particularly well phrased or anything. (first rated at 3, then brought down.)

1 comment:

  1. Christopher:
    - Maybe a bit more context- BRIEF plot synopsis
    - Like that you thought about theme and plan to look at HOW that is established
    - Start to drift from thesis/end result- make sure that you continue to establish it throughout your commentary
    - Need HOW- you're making points but not really commenting on HOW Ishiguro is doing it
    - Make sure you stay focused on the passage- don't bring in too much outside "stuff"
    - More literary and language devices needed- review the big 5 in your IOC packet
