The american dream is that, if you work hard, you can make it. You can go to a good college, get a good job, marry someone, get an upper-middle class house, and have your kids go to a nice school.
My definition of wealth is money and assets and income. Officially wealth is assets, which includes money, minus debts, but I feel like income is important in the idea because income adds the idea of continual growth; the idea that you will continue to be wealthy, and you feel safe and content. I feel like debts is important, but only when you’re worried you won’t be able to pay it back. Like, if you have a mansion and 3 Maybachs, but it’s all on debt and you know you can’t keep it, and you know that you’re screwed because you’ll have to pay interest too, it’s not wealth because the objects aren’t yours and you are totally screwed. However, if you have a house and you’re ¾ in debt on it, but you know you’re going to finish the mortgage in due time (i’m 60% sure that’s the wrong terminology), then I think it might feel like you already own the house, and it counts as wealth. I think over all, wealth is plenty and security. It’s the idea that you can get whatever you really want, and the knowledge that this state of affairs will continue indefinitely.
WARNING: LIBERAL BIAS AHEAD, and seriously, it's pretty bad
We have the liberal viewpoint that many people are made poor because they were born poor and weren’t given the opportunities that rich people were, and that most wealthy people are still wealthy because they were able to utilize their privilege. We can see this perspective when Nick’s father says that “Whenever you feel like criticizing any one… just remember that all the people in this world haven’t had the advantages that you’ve had” (Fitzgerald 1)
The conservative viewpoint is that people who are wealthy earned their money and poor people are poor because they are either stupid or didn’t work hard. In the Great Gatsby, I lean towards the stupid and lazy. More stupid because Mr. Wilson is described as not being too bright (Fitzgerald 26). Well, Prager U says that it’s not that they’re poor or don’t work hard, but that the welfare state is encouraging people not to work or live in poverty.
Compared to East Egg’s scorn for new money, the US now is a lot more about self made people. Well, I don’t think it’s about coming from poverty into wealth. Like with that Republican Senator’s response to the state of the union. She “was raised to live simply” but she worked and worked to become Senator. She also gives some ideas about the American dream be talking about how it’s failed. Ernst said “Many families feel like they’re working harder and harder, with less and less to show for it.” This is the opposite of the American Dream; to work and not get anything. The American Dream is to work and get results, the results being cash, cash, money.
Yeah, I subscribe mostly to the liberal viewpoint, that most poor people aren’t given the opportunity to become wealthy and rich people are able to use their wealth to gain further wealth. Most of this comes from my parents and the fact that I am really well off. My parents have enough money that they were able to pay for someone to help me look at colleges and get scholarships, and because of that, I applied to schools that gave a lot of merit aid and now every time I talk with Ms. Hicks I get to tell her about money colleges are throwing at me. A lot of this was work, yes, but a lot of it was also privileged. The assumption that I would go to college also does wonders. Like, I’m going to college, there was no question, and because of that, I’m going to college (as long as they don’t kick me out because of the grades I’m getting this quarter, Mrs. G plz save me) and getting an education, which will help me later. There’s also the issue about how, because of rich kids expecting scholarships for academic performance, colleges have to compete with each other and bribe these privileged kids to go to their school, instead of using the money for need-blind admissions, to make sure that all qualified students are accepted and they can all pay for it. Seriously, if my Dad wanted to save $160,000 so that I could go to a need blind institution where we would pay around $40,000 a year, he probably could have. But he didn’t want to, so I played the school scholarship game and am applying and visiting schools like Whitman College, 1% African American, worst of elite colleges for Income Diversity because they use their money to get people like me to their college. Privilege and wealth is bullcrap. Anyway, that that rant is over, Vote Bernie Sanders for president.
JK. I didn’t talk about poverty at all. Much of my attitude toward poverty comes from the vlogbrothers, and especially John Green’s particular attempt to decrease world suck. And it’s very nice to see the progress the world has made.